LastVerse (...and 5 billion-year waiting list) feat. Kevin (Synthesizer V)【ボカロオルタナティブ祭2023冬】

LastVerse (...and 5 billion-year waiting list) feat. Kevin (Synthesizer V)【ボカロオルタナティブ祭2023冬】

Aroh氏主催のボカロオルタナティブ祭2023冬参加曲です。 Music: その他の各配信サイトリンクはこちら: (歌詞)I'm waiting for LastVerse, no more reincarnation5 billion years After, the time comes nowThe sun is explosively growing larger and becomes redMaitreya received the 5 billion-year waiting listI have no memories of previous lifeSo, I think this life is the actual LastVerseI tried hard with KṣitigarbhaTime can not return backSo I made mistakes, but took pleasureEven such a life is one of Four Suffering, Buddha saidI don' know who is right, Obsession may be sufferingEven so, I wanna cling to stick to my belief about way of life【画像素材元】蓮の花:OSYさん(photo AC)お地蔵様・お地蔵さん03(フリー素材.com)