HERO/ Xiaoreko feat. 重音テト

HERO/ Xiaoreko feat. 重音テト

無色透名祭2参加曲 https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/so42905132 ニコニコ動画無色透名祭2に参加した作品に歌詞追加、アレンジ少し変更三国志の群雄割拠と無色透名祭2を重ねて作りました皆が英傑ぞ!Music, Lyrics, Movie, Illustration: XiaorekoVocal: 重音テト(SynthesizerV)Lyrics:I can be a heroI wanna be a hero in this chaotic worldI wanna win the world in this turbulent timeUnify Divide...Now it's a festival, anything goes!I don't wanna be a loser in this chaotic worldI won't let anyone beat me in this desolate worldUnify Divide...Now it's a festival, anything goes!I can be a hero
