【まどかマギカ】予告編Short ようこそ、魔法の世界へをソロギターで弾いてみた。Madoka mgicae I played Salve,terrae mgicae on solo guitar

【まどかマギカ】予告編Short ようこそ、魔法の世界へをソロギターで弾いてみた。Madoka mgicae I played Salve,terrae mgicae on solo guitar

もう、10年ぶりだよ、新譜。予告用の短いやつだけどね。ギター自体も8年ぐらい弾いてなかったし、ヤバイよ。ひと月ぐらい練習したけど...弾けてねー。この曲、当時まどマギやってた時編曲したんだけど、難しくてお蔵入りしてたんだよね。まあ少しずつ練習してね。難しいところ手直しして、一応全部弾いてるんで気が向いたら録音するかもね。It's been 10 years since we released a new album. It's a short preview, though.I haven't played the guitar in about eight years, so it's crazy. I practiced for about a month. .. .. It's popping.I arranged this song when I was playing 'Madoka Magica' at the time, but it was difficult and ended up being shelved.Well, practice little by little. I've tweaked the difficult parts and played everything, so I might record it if I feel like it.
