ステッキ術: Cane Fighting 'He Yong Gan' Martial Arts International Walking Stick Selfdefense | Sutekki

ステッキ術: Cane Fighting 'He Yong Gan' Martial Arts International Walking Stick Selfdefense | Sutekki

ステッキ術 Sutekki Jutsu 杖は護身術や武道に最適なアイテムです。 このビデオでは、敵があなたを攻撃するさまざまな状況でステッキを使用するさまざまな方法と応用例を示しています。Shaolin He Yong Gan Martial Arts school in Apeldoorn the Netherlands.The walking stick or cane is a good item for self-defense and martial arts. In this He Yong Martial Arts Cane Fighting video, there are different methods and applications of how to use the walking stick in different situations where an opponent attacks you. Sutekki Jutsu, Cane Ryu, Cane Fighting International He Yong Gan Group.
