【ゲキヤク】 ネトゲ廃人シュプレヒコール 2.0.22 Patched Ver【UTAUカバー】

【ゲキヤク】 ネトゲ廃人シュプレヒコール 2.0.22 Patched Ver【UTAUカバー】

First Cover this Year. I made a cover of this song last month, but I'm too busy and unmotivated to continue it. Ofc, my friend motivated me again with her drawing skill. I really want to stay active and interact with ppl who have same hobby as me but idk where and how to start :( (Most of the Concept Art inspired from Original MV and Tempoprimo Video)MP3 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nKbecJRZZarFg6gegqmtWIT1Gry4Q9pC/viewCredits ネトゲ廃人シュプレヒコール 2.0.22 patched ver / 初音ミク ■ Music,Words:さつき が てんこもり https://twitter.com/TENKOMORI ■ illust : Rachel S.W.P ■ Mix : Me ■ Gekiyaku Voicebank I used : zyozai ver ■ UST,MIDI by Tempoprimo Thank you for Listening!
