Sainomori Gakuen Mobu English subtitled(audioJapan)PG12 Self-written novel reading[psychic+Horror]

Sainomori Gakuen Mobu English subtitled(audioJapan)PG12 Self-written novel reading[psychic+Horror]

Note: I only converted the original text using the Google translation tool, so I apologize if the translation results were unintended. (I hope to post the English subtitled version of the second part of Mobe by the end of this year.Mobe story, art, music, and editing by Kiseki Haruyama )Mobu=supporting characteSychic=SFspiritual=occultMobe voiceMasaki Kodou VOICEVOX : 四国 めたん  Karen Niheki VOICEVOX : No.7Yuika Yokotate VOICEVOX : ずんだもんFin Sumishiro VOICEVOX : 小夜/SAYOText of the land, etc.など  VOICEVOX : 春日部 つむぎOlder sister in the apartment  VOICEVOX : 後鬼The priest‘s uncle VOICEVOX : 雀松 朱司Priest at the time VOICEVOX : 玄野 武宏Yuika‘s motherVOICEVOX : 九州 そらUncle‘s son Koji VOICEVOX : 玄野 武宏(Intaisaretakatagata)shadow? ? VOICEVOX : ♰聖騎士 紅桜♰Girl who is the main enshrined deity of Yokotate Shrine  VOICEVOX : 小夜/SAYOStudent Council President Kaname Tokigahara VOICEVOX : 冥鳴 ひまりShiro Hakujo *Elementary school days VOICEVOX :もち子さん(cv 明日葉よもぎ)Yuika and Fin‘s harmori VOICEVOX : WhiteCULKyouka Dokutsuki VOICEVOX :春歌 ナナNamiki Koudou VOICEVOX :猫使 アル     RaNobe Uranobe + Yuika curse 春山 奇跡(オリジナル版VOICEVOX :櫻歌 ミコ)