

The original version of this video comes from Channel( https://www.youtube.com/@channelcaststation )Music:ラビットホール(deco*27)After Effects Source:飞瞳 ( https://space.bilibili.com/17474581 )Creator of this video:FYLM(风雨铃木)You can follow me on Twitter and BilibiliMY BILIBILI https://space.bilibili.com/11897608MY Twitter https://twitter.com/touhou_fylm !!If you have any questions related to the video, please reply to me in English as much as possible. Japanese is not my native or second language, and I must use translation software to understand it.!!If you want to watch the 4K120fps high-definition version,Please check this connection https://youtu.be/UdK_3CIelE8
