伝う涙 run down one's cheeks 【BGM】

伝う涙 run down one's cheeks 【BGM】

涙が頬を伝う、切ない冒険のBGM。悲しみや哀愁が入り混じるメロディーが、空間を包み込みます。時間を忘れ、心の奥底に眠っていた感情を揺さぶります。目を閉じ、想いを馳せれば、まるで自分自身が主人公となった冒険の物語を綴っているかのよう。BGM for a sad adventure, with tears rolling down your cheeks.The melody, mixed with sadness and melancholy, envelops the space. Losing track of time, it stirs emotions that have lain dormant deep within. If you close your eyes and think about it, it is as if you are the main character in your own adventure story. https://twitter.com/nojisuman2525download https://nojimusic.base.shophttps://www.motionelements.com/ja/artists/nojisumahttps://patreon.com/NojiSuma?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
