iNSaNiTY//英語版カバー//重音テトFT.Kevin//synthesizer v

iNSaNiTY//英語版カバー//重音テトFT.Kevin//synthesizer v

jp:ytリンク: 本家: sm14137534 音楽&lyric:CircusP日本語lyric:AzuraLunarust:xUTAUPARTY&Nekosheyボカロ:重音テトSV&Kevin調教、mix、イラスト:wrong_thyme日本語を分かりません。すみませんen:first vocasynth cover on this channel, let's goooiNSaNiTY was the first vocaloid song i ever heard (not counting nyan cat song) so this is pretty nostalgic~for so long i've been waiting for an English cover of this song that wasn't the frost mix and i've!! Finally righted that!!!!!! kevin is singing in japanese tho because the frost mix rap doesn't fit at all with the original versionmiki and teto have similar voice types imo so it seemed fitting. it was pretty fun trying to make sv teto sound like utau tetocan you tell i struggled with kevin's gaijin accent lmaooo tried to minimise it, dk if i suceded ✌shoutout to songmastr (online site) for mastering this b, the mix i made on my own was absolute ass