スリーポーバー/Sleepover - Vocaloid UTAU MMD 【鏡音リンレンv4x+重音テト】

スリーポーバー/Sleepover - Vocaloid   UTAU MMD 【鏡音リンレンv4x+重音テト】

オリジナルアプロード: 2023-9-16hallo ! this is an old video of mine from September of last year. Please ignore some of the bad animation. Thank you! ^_^こにちは!これわ古いビデオー。-------------------Credits--------------------rin, len, miku, meiko, kaito, and neru models from learn mmd kasane teto model made by MayumiChan0907gumi model made by midnighthinatabed room made by amiamy111living room made by Reselieeforest place thing made by agekei and Reselieeguns made by AbyssLeophone made by kaahgomedl
