海を渡った日本の宝物~シカゴ美術館より4 埴輪 戦士の頭、印籠 古満休伯、高村光雲 シカゴ万博、如意輪観音、魚屋北渓、有田焼、土佐光起、尾形乾山、龍王、天地院縁起、保温ポット、敷物、阿弥陀如来

海を渡った日本の宝物~シカゴ美術館より4 埴輪 戦士の頭、印籠 古満休伯、高村光雲 シカゴ万博、如意輪観音、魚屋北渓、有田焼、土佐光起、尾形乾山、龍王、天地院縁起、保温ポット、敷物、阿弥陀如来

出典すべてシカゴ美術館よりHead of a Warrior.6th century.Kofun period (mid 3rd–6th century A.D.)Inro Decorated with the Animals of the Zodiac.19th century.Koma KyuhakuTransom panels (ramma) from the Phoenix Pavilion (Hōōden).1893.Takamura Kо̄un2Nyoirin Kannon.Kamakura period, c. 1250-1330.Artist unknownForeign Goods in Osaka (Osaka hikita karamono), from the series “Three Cities (Santo no uchi)”c. 1818-30Arita-Ware Apothecary Bottle.1670-80Autumn Maples with Poem Slips.c. 1675.Tosa MitsuokiDish with Design of Landscape with Blossoming Trees.Edo period (1610–1898); Narutaki period (1699–1712).Ogata KenzanDragon King.11th-early 12th centuryIllustrated Legends of the Tenchi-in (Tenchi-in engi).14th century.Artist unknownHot Water Pot.16th centurySeating Mat.Meiji period (1868–1912), 1875-1900The Bodhisattva Kannon, from the triptych Approach of the Amida TrinityDate.Kamakura Period; mid–13th centuryBGM甘茶の音楽工房
