人生 ーLifeー

人生 ーLifeー

人には幸せ、不幸せの量が決まっているんじゃないかって。私が恋人を作ったり、職場の人と楽しく遊んだりしたから、罰が当たったんじゃないかって。I think each person has a fixed amount of happiness and unhappiness.I thought I was being punished because I had a girlfriend and had fun with people at work.死ぬ程洒落にならない怖い話を集めてみない?「 泣ける怪談 」Why not collect some scary stories that are not funny enough to kill you?"Ghost stories that will make you cry" https://dangi.link/%e4%ba%ba%e7%94%9f/
