【TAS】FC ドラゴンファイター 12:15.28

【TAS】FC ドラゴンファイター 12:15.28

知る人ぞ知る隠れたFCの名作。アイドル八犬伝で有名なトーワチキのゲームです。ACGとSTGを合わせたようなゲームで、音楽もとても良いです。(海外での販売はSOFEL) mylist/4087034      Dragon Fighter is a cross-over between a platformer and a shooter. It starts out in platform mode, where you can collect dragon points. When you have enough, you can transform into a powerful dragon, turning the game into a autoscrolling shooter. The game scrolls slowly in this mode, but the dragon moves fast. By continuously switching between the two modes, it allows the player to go as fast as possible, which makes an otherwise boring game interesting.
