【無料】Savage XR Trailer (High Quality)【FPS+RTS】

【無料】Savage XR Trailer (High Quality)【FPS+RTS】

2ch/ゲーム/PCアクション/[無料]Savage:The Battle for Newerth 58[FPS+RTS] http://schiphol.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gamef/1229939183/http://f59.aaa.livedoor.jp/~savage/wiki/http://www.newerth.com/XR Public Beta Announced and Trailer Released1/28 at 02:20:40 pm by DjangoNewerth.com is pleased to announce the release of the Savage 1 XR Public Beta. Everyone will be able to play with Savage XR on 13th of February, 2009. The Beta will allow you to download the XR Client Installer for both Windows and Linux with all it's new features. mylist/7475260
