【MJ追悼】【Off the Wall】A Tribute to Michael Jackson from an Anime fan

【MJ追悼】【Off the Wall】A Tribute to Michael Jackson from an Anime fan

My tribute to Michael Jackson (1958-2009)... the FOREVER King of Pop! ■R.I.P. ■Guests: らき☆すた、初音ミク、ロザリオとバンパイア、SOS団、Yuna (Final Fantasy X)、Yogurting / Music: Off the Wall (Michael Jackson) ■--------------■ ■P.S.: Video captured from my desktop, with real-time animated visuals generated by "System Animator" Sidebar gadgets. System Animatorの紹介動画はここ mylist/10588227 (他のSystem AnimatorのMV動画はここ mylist/10728329 ) ■Homepage: http://www.animetheme.com/sidebar/
