英語で歌ってみた ストロボナイツ -DiGiLog MIX- feat.【rockleetist】

英語で歌ってみた ストロボナイツ -DiGiLog MIX- feat.【rockleetist】

Comments in English would be appreciated, but you can comment in any language you want.(英語でコメントいただければ幸いですが、あなたが望む任意の言語でコメントすることができます。) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvBYru8XKXA&fmt=35 sm1657814 huke: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=1457391mp3: http://www.mediafire.com/?2ytmwkmkdyw なま獣 is a fantastic remixer who specializes in hardcore techno and trance styles. He showed interest several weeks ago in mixing my English version of Strobe Nights with his phenomenal musical talent in digital production! Of course, I couldn't say no!I'm extremely happy with the result and I hope that you will all support us both in the future!なま獣 mylist/14862262 http://twitter.com/rockleetistmylist/14188621 user/13709795
