ドミニク・ロスクロウさんトークイベント Kino Book Event Series@ NY: Dominic Roskrow - Whisky Japan

ドミニク・ロスクロウさんトークイベント Kino Book Event Series@ NY: Dominic Roskrow - Whisky Japan

Kinokuniya New York Saturday, November 12, 2016Kinokuniya New York held a high spirited presentation with Dominic Roskrow, world expert and journalist on the subject of whisky. Kodansha USA’s latest foray into Japanese traditional craftsmanship influencing mainstream culture, Whisky Japan takes Dominic’s knowledge about world whiskies and shines a spotlight on the special allure of Japanese brands, particularly Nikka and Suntory which have earned reputations that compare well even with Scottish high quality whiskies. Japanese brewing technique fares very well against any world whisky technique and the rarity of Japanese whisky helps make it highly desirable worldwide and often very expensive at auction. You can find out more by reading Dominic’s book which is a great gift idea for lovers of whisky.紀伊國屋書店ニューヨーク店で行われた、ドミニク・ロスクロウさんのインタビューです。ドミニク・ロスクロウさんはウィスキーについて詳しいジャーナリストで、 日本産ウィスキーだけを紹介した本『Whisky Japan』などの著書があります。Kinokuniya New York Main Store1073 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10018, U.S.A.
