ジェン・ワイルドさんトークイベント Kino Book Event Series@NY: Jen Wilde

ジェン・ワイルドさんトークイベント Kino Book Event Series@NY: Jen Wilde

Jen Wilde is a writer, geek, and fangirl with a penchant for coffee, books, and pugs. She writes YA stories about zombies (As They Rise), witches (Echo of the Witch), and fangirls (Queens of Geek). In this video Jen introduces her new release in print, Queens of Geek to an audience at New York’s Kinokuniya Bookstore with support from Macmillan Publishing. A major snowstorm on March 14th postponed the event by one day but she still drew a very nice audience. Her debut, The Eva Series, reached over three million reads online and became a bestseller through online distribution. When she’s not writing, Jen loves binge watching her favorite shows, eating pizza, traveling to faraway places, and going to conventions in Marty McFly cosplay. Jen lives in a sunny beachside town in Australia with her husband and their cheeky pug, Heisenberg. At the time of this posting, New York Kinokuniya still has signed copies of Queens of Geek in stock but they are limited to what’s on hand.紀伊國屋書店ニューヨーク店で行われた、ジェン・ワイルドさんのインタビューです。新作小説『Queens of Geek』についての質疑応答を行いました。Kinokuniya New York Main Store1073 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10018, U.S.A.
