[Letters from Hibakusha] My Balsam Grandpa | Testimonies HIROSHIMA・NAGASAKI | NHK

[Letters from Hibakusha] My Balsam Grandpa | Testimonies HIROSHIMA・NAGASAKI | NHK

~To a world that does not know of war~ https://www.nhk.or.jp/archives/shogenarchives/no-more-hibakusha/en.html?cid=dchk-nc-1908-16-stA grandchild writes a letter to her grandfather who experienced the horrors in the aftermath of the bombing. The animator produced Sand Art, using sand collected from near to where the grandfather experienced the Atomic Bomb.~Letters from Hibakusha~NHK undertakes a project to visualize written stories of the A-bomb victims through animation. The experience notes of the A-bomb victims which will be the base for the animation are ones sent to NHK’s annual reciting, a program to read and share their experience, which have been running since 2007. A total of 2,200 notes have been sent to us so far.Testimonies HIROSHIMA・NAGASAKI https://www.nhk.or.jp/archives/shogenarchives/no-more-hibakusha/en.html?cid=dchk-nc-1908-16-hpa (C)Keiko Shiraihi
