[Letters from Hibakusha] Mucchan | Testimonies HIROSHIMA・NAGASAKI | NHK

[Letters from Hibakusha] Mucchan | Testimonies HIROSHIMA・NAGASAKI | NHK

~To a world that does not know of war~ https://www.nhk.or.jp/archives/shogenarchives/no-more-hibakusha/en.html?cid=dchk-nc-1908-18-stA letter to a sister who perished, and whose body was never recovered, and who is still missing. Capturing the feelings of the surviving sister, this animation was created by a university student in Hiroshima.~Letters from Hibakusha~NHK undertakes a project to visualize written stories of the A-bomb victims through animation. The experience notes of the A-bomb victims which will be the base for the animation are ones sent to NHK’s annual reciting, a program to read and share their experience, which have been running since 2007. A total of 2,200 notes have been sent to us so far.Testimonies HIROSHIMA・NAGASAKI https://www.nhk.or.jp/archives/shogenarchives/no-more-hibakusha/en.html?cid=dchk-nc-1908-18-hpa (C)Hiroshima City University Hiroshima City University COC+Art Project
