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進撃の巨人 英語吹替版 第50話 They were drinking something like black tea... What was in here? It smells good

進撃の巨人 英語吹替版 第50話 They were drinking something like black tea... What was in here? It smells good


進撃の巨人 英語吹替版 第50話 The enemy hopes for the same thing we do... To win this conflict once and for all

進撃の巨人 英語吹替版 第50話 The enemy hopes for the same thing we do... To win this conflict once and for all


進撃の巨人 英語吹替版 第50話 Follow the chain of command, and keep your eyes fixed on the path to victory

進撃の巨人 英語吹替版 第50話 Follow the chain of command, and keep your eyes fixed on the path to victory
