【歌ってみた】 カゲロウデイズ【姫歌】

【歌ってみた】 カゲロウデイズ【姫歌】

singin kagerou days with boys voice uvuand lower pitch lolno no, i'm not singing this with low pitch cuz i can't reach the high pitch O3O;;i can, but my throat is in bad conditionso i can't yelling too much DD8and this song is looks from the boy's POVso i think it's better to sing with boys voice uvu;;mostly picture are from PIXIVexcept the pic around 2:26 (if i'm not wrong) it's from dA, the artist is reina-sora, sorry for use it without permission QAQhere's the link to the pic linkand also, the 2 last pic is my art QvQMusic by Jin/Shizen no teki-POriginal by Hatsune Miku + SweetVocal by Me uvu
