[GALACO] (Dear) YOU [VOCALOID] [ひぐらしのなく頃に] COVER

[GALACO] (Dear) YOU [VOCALOID] [ひぐらしのなく頃に] COVER

This is to make a multiple testing: -First test is about Galaco ^^ ... The second test is about the freshly (re)installed studio system. Used my BGM played on my Yamaha DGX505. And messed a bit with the voice bank of Galaco to hear the extremes too (not too impressed about the "power" voice, is still too soft ^^;)... This being said... ENJOY the cover song and the picture I found searching with Google XDDDD ... FULL HD here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaQmILdBHtc
