映画集団Ours『天使の眼』予告編 The preview of "Angel's angle" by Ours 

映画集団Ours『天使の眼』予告編 The preview of

映画制作集団Oursの作品『天使の眼』の予告編。新潟、埼玉、大阪、東京の4人の高校生監督がそれぞれの今を記録した4つの短編集。記憶と記録、痛み、そして希望...それぞれの物語を内包しながら映画は進んでいく...5月16日本編公開This is the preview of the movie "Angel's Angle" ,made by filming socirty Ours. Four Japanese highschool directors made four short movies and they put their "real" and their lives. The story are rebuilding with their own problem-What is record,memory,pain,and hope for future...
