イジメ、ダメ、ゼッタイ by BABYMETAL@SonisphereFestival2014 -

イジメ、ダメ、ゼッタイ by BABYMETAL@SonisphereFestival2014 -

youtube からの転載 この組み合わせで、この盛り上がり…冒頭の英文 Why do people hurt each other?  Who do they hurt them for?  More than ever I do not want see you cry anymore  So, let`s stand togethe  In a dream THE BIG FOX taught us  You should never give up  and run the race as hard as possible  In a dream the METAL MASTER taught us  WALL OF DEATH  If you Show true courage  We will show TRUE METAL  No more bullying, for ever. - London Live sm24056163 LA Live sm24127243  Heavy Montreal sm24211528
