2016年8月13日付 Billboard Hot 100 (8月第2週)

2016年8月13日付 Billboard Hot 100 (8月第2週)

2016年8月13日付のビルボードの総合シングルチャートの1位から100位までを紹介する動画です。youtubeより転載前回⇒ sm29365936 次週⇒打ち切り過去のチャート⇒ mylist/42465431 ※HRChart様より引用ANNOUNCEMENT!After thinking over everything i decided not to continue making these videos. I would not have time to do on every week basis and it would be unpredictable whether the actual video of the week will be uploaded or not. So i want to thank everyone who subscribed to this channel or watched, liked one of my uploaded videos or who gave advice, wrote letters, comments which were really helpful.
