『タイタンフォール2』 Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Tech Test Gameplay Trailer

『タイタンフォール2』 Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Tech Test Gameplay Trailer

マルチプレイヤーテックテストは8/19~21と、8/26~28Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Tech Test Gameplay Trailerwww.youtube.com/watch?v=ez6G3Zv4u30Take to the Frontier for the Open Multiplayer Tech Test starting August 19th to the 21st and then again the following weekend August 26th to the 28th. Experience the fast and fluid multiplayer gameplay of Titanfall 2 on PS4 and Xbox One during the open Tech Test.Sign Up to Get Details on the Titanfall 2 Open Multiplayer Tech Test: http://x.ea.com/6458
