【UVR1-PHILIPPINES】fragment【Team Adobo】

【UVR1-PHILIPPINES】fragment【Team Adobo】

MP3: https://mega.nz/#!tAADEZiS!uzXWUKcouMktzZs1VHCwtK3C40-j-TokenBW_XtmVUkCredits:Melt by ryoUST: sm16057795 Cantarella by Kurousa-PUST: minomeServant of Evil by Akuno-P/mothyUST: suzukiaenWorld is Mine by ryoUST: EaglefriendJust be Friends by Dixie FlatlineUST: LASTreminisRolling Girl by wowakaUST: RenjiTakuma-ERROR by nikiUST: GMFARROW by nikiUST: ekkoberryLove is War by ryo, remix by MwkUST: minomePalette by Yuyoyuppe, remix by Desire PathUST: tsunn118 by DECO*27UST: akemReversible Campaign DECO*27UST: 眞白Voice by HarryPUST: converted from kyaami’s VSQxSand Planet by HachiUST: sm31619273 Song: fragment by ONOKENMidi/UST by minome,tsunn, kimchi-tan, and UtaUtaUtauArtwork: shiroi (medleys), minome (fragment)Tuning: minome, kimchi-tan, UtaUtaUtau, Velvet, shiroiMix: kimchi-tan, Velvet, Treble ConfectionsVideo: Treble ConfectionsSpecial thanks: tsunn (midi), avant×garden (inspiration)
