武道 - 太極拳武術の流れ Laura Bonthuis | The Flow of Tai Chi | Martial Arts 武道

武道 - 太極拳武術の流れ Laura Bonthuis | The Flow of Tai Chi | Martial Arts 武道

オランダの女性ローラボントゥイスによる太極拳の武道。 Laura Bonthuisは、マスター sensei Wim Scharrenberg の元フルコンタクトキックボクサーであり、先生 Hu Yong Gan のもとで少林寺武術を始めました。太極拳武術の流れ Laura Bonthuis from ApeldoornLaura Bonthuis is a female martial arts practitioner from Apeldoorn city in the Netherlands. She was a former student under Kickboxing and Kyokushinkai Karate master Wim Scharrenberg. She later started Chinese martial arts like Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan under He Yong gan and traveled the world for gaining knowledge, doing competitions and expand her knowledge and experience. Laura Bonthuis currently lives in Apeldoorn city the Netherlands ( Europe )
