Outrageous cup noodles were sold in Japan ...I can't hide my surprise

Outrageous cup noodles were sold in Japan ...I can't hide my surprise

In this case, I found that more Japanese...No, I don't understand cup noodles...or I don't have the head to understand this.勇者の暇潰し☆マイリスト↓1番目 mylist/539328252 番目 mylist/587363163 番目 mylist/636958234 番目 mylist/662045915 番目 mylist/672127176 番目 mylist/68299801 勇者 (@bravesagamg2050)さん https://twitter.com/bravesagamg2050?s=09 あっそぅそぅ、おもちゃとかのブログ「勇者のおもちゃ屋さんブログ☆」もやってから見に来ておねっ\(^ω^)/new→ http://yuusha.jp<br>oldhttp://blog.livedoor.jp/braveshin/
