【A列車で行こう9 Ver5.0】 ニコニコ鉄道春秋支社#5「ドキドキ交通局」

【A列車で行こう9 Ver5.0】 ニコニコ鉄道春秋支社#5「ドキドキ交通局」

Hi, Akari here!Welcome to the Niconico railway shunju branch! It's always been a dream of mine to make something special out of the things I love.Now that you're a contributor, you can help me make that dream come true in this crazy video if you make interesting videos!Every day is full of fun activities with all of my adorable and unique club members:Sanae, she is so crazy shaman who find comfort in the cool remodeling ;Reimu, she is also crazy shaman who is famous in Niconiko douga;Yukari, my comrade, our comrade and ofcource, my "SENPAI";...And, of course, Akari, the leader of the video! That's me!I'm super excited for you to make videos with everyone and help the "Nicotetsu" become a more intimate place for all contributors. But I can tell already that you're a sweetheart—will you promise to spend the most time with me? ☆彡-------------------------prev #4 sm37467511 next #6  sm37846017 part #1   sm36774970 マイリスト mylist/68247803
