Memo:_φ(・_・ ;) 2016.7.2 YOMIURI Newspaper読売新聞他

Memo:_φ(・_・ ;) 2016.7.2 YOMIURI Newspaper読売新聞他

9九-stairs段-line線 and South南 Chinaシナ Sea海(2016.7.2 読売新聞)Rebuilt YOMIURI head office building (Tokyo Otemachi sta.,2005)∟ YOMIURI's Tabloid Sports Hochiスポーツ報知∟ '80s. Japanese TV/showbiz' famous musical ‘’Miss.SAIGON’’ Heroine:Typical Canbodian-Japanese musician/actress Miss.Mina-ko Honda∟ Ho Chi Minh = Saigon(Vietnam)∟ Public公立 T(h)ai泰-mei明 elementary school小学校 at Ginza in TO#5 mini-France∟ -wan湾 = -bay∟ Tai台-wan湾∟ Tonkin東京-wan湾(Vietnam=Southwest China)∟ Tokyo wan湾(Japan)∟ 1964 Tokyo OlympicThe peoples who have earned the box officers game-like since 1980s.(Pic:BIG CAMERA Shibuya 3F, 2020.10.18)2 years after we saw Lucy Blackman at Tokyo(2014.6.30) 7 months after the Nagoya/Funabashi/Gyotoku chemical [email protected] fri.(2016.7.2)4 years after the Nagoya/Funabashi/Gyotoku chemical [email protected] fri.(2020.9.19)10km scale' Chemical weapon onto South Saitama/North Tokyo(2017.6.30 sat.19:29-23:00)