【夢田啓久】 Blinding Lights 【UTAU音源配布】

【夢田啓久】 Blinding Lights 【UTAU音源配布】

こんにちは、時間はナウです! ( ´ ω ` )I am happy to finally announce the release of my UTAU son, Hiraku Yumeta! (夢田啓久 / ゆめたひらく) He is my pride and joy, and I'm happy that friends are also enjoying his voicebank, design, etc.Hiraku is a male voicebank, a 1-pitch VCV with incredible range. He has mainly been tested under TIPS.exe, although other resamplers such as Moresampler should work with him as well.Hiraku is a sweetie who loves him some strawberry cheesecake. He can't swim, and he's a lightweight when it comes to alcohol. He is observant, a bundle of energy, an Aries lol.夢田啓久の音源はダウンロード: https://the-time-is-nau.carrd.co/#utau Just click on the cheesecake!私のツイッター: TheTimeIsNauIf you decide that you use Hiraku, message me! I look forward to seeing and hearing the amazing things you do with him!
