【 MMDあんスタ 】 Shadow Shadow 【 月永レオ・瀬名泉・朱桜司 】

【 MMDあんスタ 】 Shadow Shadow 【 月永レオ・瀬名泉・朱桜司 】

「 暴いて喰わずとも中身はNull笑顔で絆したら迷わずKill 」Σ(ノ°▽°)ノI've been wanting to do this motion for so long, and after it collecting some dust in my folder www Here it is ! Not only a very addicting song, but a very addicting dance as well (//∇//)I couldn't resist in using Leo, Izumi and Tsukasa for this ww I wanted to try making this video appear enticing, almost as if they're daring you to fall into a deep slumber that's bewitching you into a world of wonderful, pleasant dreams・:*(〃∇〃人)*:・Were they able to allure you guys into sweets dreams as they danced ?( Thank you to the comment for pointing out the audio sync ! I hope I fixed it better www )I used ZiL's cover of Shadow Shadow !Go listen and support him as well !↓ ↓ ↓ sm39412298 All materials used in video will be linked in tree !お気軽にタグを修正してください!ありがとう( ´ ▽ ` )ノ※無断転載禁止/Reprint of this video is prohibited.
