【β時代の英雄】beatmania IIDX GOLD 「GOLD RUSH」【mp4】

【β時代の英雄】beatmania IIDX GOLD 「GOLD RUSH」【mp4】

つーでぃーっくすごおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお!!!!//この曲を聴いてニコニコ動画が好きになりました。あの時の感動をもう一度。//yellow big推奨。もちろん全画面で。//跡地 sm323 //                                         This video is music Movie of the game of the beatmania IIDX GOLD.//It was deleted by the manager now by the old video that had been up-loaded Niconico douga(β) had just started.//I listened to this tune and came to love Niconico douga.//Yellow big and fullscreen are recommended to you.//Let's Make it! Make money!//                                 英語ムズカシイネ//Filter//m→( ゚∀゚)o彡゚めきめきまーに!//e→Make it! Make money!//2→IIDX GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD//
