Resident Evil 5 ryona (リョナ) Ochaco Uraraka + Licker

Resident Evil 5 ryona (リョナ) Ochaco Uraraka + Licker

囚われの身となった動物たちを救うため、次のミッションに向かったうららちゃん。しかし、そこはモンスターと化した動物たち。動物たちに襲われ、舐められ、胸に舌を突っ込まれ、体液を吸われるうららか。胸に入れられた舌のもどかしさに、エロい喘ぎ声が出る。Uraraka's next mission is to rescue trapped animals, but she finds that they've been turned into monsters. She is attacked and licked by the animals as they shove their tongues into her chest to suck her fluids. The squirming tongue in her breasts causes erotic moans.