【Synthesizer V Lite】Ocean Eyes 【弦巻マキ lite】

【Synthesizer V Lite】Ocean Eyes 【弦巻マキ lite】

I know Maki's English is a little funky near the end, I wasn't a fan of how she pronounced certain words so I tried to fix it. Still a work in progress with handling English voices in Synth V!CREDITS-SVP: 雷雷123motion+Camera: Akira | ChainLifeModel: つみだんごLITTY LINKS-Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/weebaluDiscord Fan Server: https://discord.gg/AdE8bYHKScTwitter: https://twitter.com/WeebaLu483Tumblr: http://Weebalu483.tumblr.com/Instagram: @WeebaluTiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bkgirl483?lang=en
