【UTAU RELEASE VIDEO】ドラマツルギー【サイレンビターマルチ表現】

【UTAU RELEASE VIDEO】ドラマツルギー【サイレンビターマルチ表現】

Siren Bitter Multi Expression contains 4 pitches- Bass D# 3 (base siren bitter pitch is also called natural pitch)- Deep A#2 (dark pronunciation intended to sound deeper and masculine)- Power (pronounced harsh, sung in a more chested voice) is activated by entering P as an alias.- Whisper (soft-sounding voice with soft pronunciation) is activated by entering W as an alias.★Siren Bitter Multi-Expression Download - https://www.mediafire.com/file/9nz1u2yghht89no/Siren_VCV_Bitter_Multi-Expression.zip/file ★Original - EVE★UST - UST - cerifutau★Nokoribi -P Channel - Nokoribi -P
