The First 15 Mintues of Disney's 102 Dalmations: Puppies to the Rescue (Game Boy Color)

The First 15 Mintues of Disney's 102 Dalmations: Puppies to the Rescue (Game Boy Color)

Copied from MobyGames:Cruella De Vil has captured more Dalmatian puppies to make into a coat. You, as Domino or Oddball, must free them.Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue on the Game Boy Color is a 2D, side-scrolling platform game. You must run and jump about the level, searching for a key. Once you have the key, you then go to each cage to open it and free the puppies. When all puppies are free, you will get a password and move to the next level. Try to avoid the enemy toys that move about as they will damage you. You can use your bark to stun a toy but that is temporary.