【AKITO】蓮 lotus【Vocaloid 6 AIカバー】

【AKITO】蓮 lotus【Vocaloid 6 AIカバー】

original by kihito https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17105002ust by revtune and mix by meart by 紫陽花 i just edited it to look like akitoSo i got mixing lessons from joshua Lie and i think it helped alot. also a big help from _quacc. I also have a thing with gumi ai being mixed by asterian, there are really nice ppl in the synth community. I really like akito and v6 in general and the expression tool is the best ive ever seen, I hope the add more control points to it in the future so its more bendable and add fade to the (also nice) vibrato tool.
