The First 15 Minutes of 风之谷II (Feng Zhi Gou II, Game Boy Color)

The First 15 Minutes of 风之谷II (Feng Zhi Gou II, Game Boy Color)

Copied from BootlegGames Wiki:Feng Zhi Gou II (风之谷II) is a Game Boy Color game made by probably Vast Fame in the early 2000's. This is the second game to feature a Super Game Boy border, since the first is Super Fighters 99, which is also by Vast Fame and is also for Game Boy Color.The game is a beat 'em up side-scrolling with a combos system and RPG elements. You plays only as the warrior class and kill enemies of Final Fantasy games and some others class like the Black Mage on different maps. There are no items or collectible weapons; however, the player will "level up" after doing enough damage. This increases the player's strength, and it also restores their health.