【進撃手描き】ECHO / Eren Yeager

【進撃手描き】ECHO / Eren Yeager

“This is the story────that ××× started…”I think of Eren Yeager, who faced the tremendous reality alone and continued to fight alone.I would like to pay tribute to Eren's stance of holding on to his will and dignity, even when the world was against him and his own hands were stained with blood.On Eren's birthday, and on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the anime, I dedicate this video to Eren.エレンお誕生日おめでとう…………!あと、1週間後には進撃のアニメ1話が放送されてから丁度10年の節目を迎えるね……それも大変めでたい……!2重の記念を祝いたい一心でいそいそと動画作ったけど、終わってみれば「記念ってなんだっけ?」みたいな地獄の作風で草ァ…………それがエレンの生き様だよ………………(?)あと、めっちゃ今更ではあるけども都合上当たり前の様に流血しとるので念のため……最も注意喚起が意味をなさんくらいには原作も悲惨なことになっとったので…………( ◡⁀◡ )──────────使用曲(MUSIC):ECHO (Crusher-P様)制作期間:約1ヶ月(Production period:Approx. 1 month)
