

The future will be beautiful!""I hope that this photo reaches many people" (Unfortunately, I don't even know her name. I should have asked her to take off her glasses. But I was simply too excited, too enamored with the moment.)She is almost 100 years old and a highly respected member of the Navajo tribe. She doesn't speak a word of English because she refuses to speak the language of the elites. Her daughter translated our conversation.When I asked her if I could take a portrait of her, she looked at me silently for a long time. Then she said that she had never been photographed before, but would make an exception for someone who had traveled many thousands of kilometers to see her.I had mentioned that I was from Germany. Goosebumps everywhere.As we said goodbye, she looked deeply into my eyes."The future will be beautiful. More beautiful than anyone can imagine right now."That's the message she wanted me to deliver. It's her message for anyone who sees this photo of her.」Lichtwelt Verlag 氏
