The Dave Pamah Show. A business training experience and sales advice in Costa Rica. Episode 416.

The Dave Pamah Show. A business training experience and sales advice in Costa Rica. Episode 416.

The ”Dave Pamah Show” is hosted by Dave Pamah, retired firefighter, former International track athlete, BA (Hons) Politics and Society graduate of the University of London, author of ”Firefighting from Within” and a certified coach. We tell REAL stories about REAL people from all walks of life. We discuss the ups and downs, wins and losses, successes and struggles, the good and bad in a respectful but candid way with our guests. We’re better than entertainment, we’re the REAL thing.Dave Pamah has a passion, a passion to help others. In early school years, like many children, Dave was the subject of bullying and decided that the way to ‘fight back’ was to help others who had been in the same position.Turning to athletics at the tender age of 10, Dave learned that physical activity and nutrition is important for wellbeing, the investment paid off as Dave competed in many high profile events and retired from serious competition at the age of 33. He still continues to follow the discipline of physical activity and nutrition.Interview with the CEO of Costa Rica’s Call Center - Richard Blank