Celebrate - LLSY feat.夏色花梨

Celebrate - LLSY feat.夏色花梨

- LLSY music -Music composer and Vessel Navigator▶Twitter: https://twitter.com/LLeshy555 ▶Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChu-0PEE-OWqcg0ydnk75eA ▶ニコニコ動画: https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/121913197 ▶Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@llsy555 ▶note: https://note.com/leshy555/ ▶各種リンク: https://lit.link/llsymusic--------------------------------------------------- 夏色花梨誕生祭2023------------------- 歌詞 -------------------you think at that datebut i dont think like that あいすべき sometimes you find in my roomcome snow in augustsureふりしきるsay thatbirthdayceleblatetoday is the birthday someday birthday if you face to me never close our life if you take my heat never close our lips 愛してるなんて今日くらいしか聞けないだろうからhappy celeblate today is the birthday mooring birthday celeblate today is the birthday celeblate today is the birthday dancing birthday
