

(koroちゃんテーマ曲)koroちゃん link https://lit.link/korovrmkoro-chan/maisongwriting.pokikokoro koro koro koro korokokoro koro koro koro koro-chan different color similar to colorcolorful thoughts story gorgeouslyIf you decorate ityou decorate it support each otherwhen the color changesotherwhen the color changes Without any beautyHappy time will comeHappy time will come shined in rainbow colorsEven if there are daysif there are days The moment you were bornI'll crossyou were bornI'll cross Only one person in the world toexistpeople of the world totime support each other with careI want to speakwith careI want to speak The words that speak beautiful words arefeel colorfulbeautiful words arefeel colorfulA mud dumpling that was being rolled around.Isn't she beautiful when she was youngshe beautiful when she was young kokoro koro koro koro korokokoro koro koro koro koro-chan
