8/8 Illuminati Movies:Full Disclosure

8/8 Illuminati Movies:Full Disclosure

http://www.HollywoodInsiders.net Full Disclosure is a full-length documentary that takes a deep, analytical look at Illuminati and freemasonic symbolism in numerous movies. Examining each movie's use of all-seeing eyes, pyramids, suns, and serpents; then reviewing more covert satanic symbolism rooted in Egyptian, Christian, and Islamic traditions. Examining [ Batman,Watchmen,The Simpsons,Men in Black,Tomb Raider,Blade,Hellboy,The Lion King,THX-1138,Conan the Barbarian,Stargate,The man who would be king,Spawn,Dogma,Gabriel,The Road to El Dorado] islam nuclear american chicago bird flu michael tsarion bible jesus magic worship witchcraft tyranny america abduction iraq war film ghost iran paranormal usa false flag loose change attack internet internet2 george lucas pakistan india china russia patriot wars england atlantis islam lucifer possession freedom fascism
