【情報処理学会】第77回全国大会 Why the CCF is Unique? (Zide Du)

【情報処理学会】第77回全国大会 Why the CCF is Unique? (Zide Du)

日時:3月17日(火曜日)17:30-18:00場所:百周年時計台記念館 1F 百周年記念ホールセッション名:招待講演Why the CCF is Unique?Zide Du(China Computer Federation CEO)【講演概要】As other Chinese Non-Profit Organizations, ten years ago, China Computer Federation (CCF) was also affiliated to an institute, no individual membership, no open election, no awards, no big impact activities, small number of income……The CCF started it reformation in 2004 after the national representative congress. It has more than 24000 individual members; CCF Communications (CCCF) is monthly published; China National Computer Congress (CNCC) attracts more than 3000 participants from all of the countries and foreign countries; Advanced Disciplines Lectures (ADL), a high level technical lectures, contains 10 times a year; 35 Technical Committees, 25 branches for young professionals (YOCSEF), 24 city membership chapters and 18 student chapters. In additional to this, CCF created 12 awards. The president and the board members of the society are elected by member representatives in the democratic ways and quite open. It has built up very clear governing structure, executive body and oversight committee. 【文字数制限により省略。全文は以下のURLをご参照ください。】 http://www.ipsj.or.jp/event/taikai/77/77program/html/event/K-3.html
