Quando nasce un amore [ 愛が生まれるとき ] - Carmelo Zappulla

Quando nasce un amore [ 愛が生まれるとき ] - Carmelo Zappulla

The copyright of the images and music used in the production of this video belongs to their respective owners.This video was created for non-profit entertainment.It is not intended for video revenue.Paolo Bosco & Joanne Clifton - Tango - with Standard dance footage.The dance scenes used in this video and the tempo of the music are out of sync. I would appreciate it if you could see it as an image of music.I used one copyright-free works to create this music video. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude.カルメロ・ザップラさん(シチリア島のシラキューザ生まれ、1955年11月7日)は、ナポリのネオ・メロディックな伝統に属するイタリアの歌手兼俳優です。注 : ウィキペディアよりこの歌のジャンルはCanzone Napoletana(カンツォーネ・ナポレターナ=ナポリの歌)になります。
