【アレンジ】少女 -Unavoidable Occurrences-(歌月十夜)

【アレンジ】少女 -Unavoidable Occurrences-(歌月十夜)

MP3: https://brightnesstwilight.files.wordpress.com/2022/06/mizuka_kage_shoujo_hr.mp3It is the theme "Shoujo" from Kagetsu Tohya, reborn! I previously arranged this theme back in December of 2019, and this new arrange was built out of the old work ^^. I turned a unique classical/orchestral arrange of mine into the typical sounding synth rock that gets boring after a while...but I still like it~(*laughs*). I submitted this track for the album "Moonstruck Analogy -a TYPE​-​MOON tribute album-", which released digitally during C99 under the circle KodamaSounds. The rest of the album is definitely worth checking out! (Also, you will find a more in-depth description of this track there~☆ω☆~) https://kodamasounds.bandcamp.com/track/unavoidable-occurrences [Track Title] 少女 -Unavoidable Occurrences-[Game Source] 歌月十夜 (2001.08.13)[Composer] KATE[Arranger] 月島瑞佳[Copyright] TYPE-MOON[VST] SOUND Canvas VA (Roland)[DAW] FL Studio 12 (Image-Line)[Editing Software] Audacity[Reference] OST[Creation Date] 2021.12.09[Updated] 2021.12.10HP:  https://brightnesstwilight.com/Twitter:   https://twitter.com/mizuka_bt
